Friday, April 15, 2011

Too Dramatic

Sometimes I just open the front door to my house and stand outside looking for something; waiting for something amazing to just pop out of nowhere. I am totally normal. I do not have any special powers and I am definitely not a vampire.
 The other day I was out with an older friend of mine. We went for a nice walk to enjoy the outside. So I start telling her that I have a secret and that she may not tell anyone at all! This secret is strictly private and top-secret!  
My friend then starts to get very anxious and I also made her promise not to repeat what I was about to tell her to anyone. My secret was that good. 
I started to tell her...This is what I said: 
"The other day I was at school and my friend passed by me and I felt their skin. It was so cold and the room was around 80 degrees. I asked my friend why they were so cold and my friend simply said it was because they had bad circulation.

The next day I was walking and saw a dead rodent in my friend's  hands and I was so startled. I asked my friend why it was dead. My friend then told me it was because they were a vampire."

Anyways that was the story. None of it was true, so when I told my friend I was just kidding, she got very upset with me. She became so annoyed with me because I had made her promise for a lie. 

I know my decision was stupid. I should not have said that, but to me it was a silly little prank, but to the older folk it was not. I felt really bad afterward and so I apologized. So, sorry to my older friend, my intentions were only good and they were not meant to upset you. Now you see we teenagers are still learning and exploring we may pull little pranks and such just to add a little excitement to our daily lives. A little fun here and a little fun over there. I guess this made me realize that I have to start being a little more mature and not so  childish. It also made me realize that I should be less of a drama queen. Lies are stupid and can make people mad, so be careful what you say-even if your trying to be funny. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ugh!!! Don't you just hate the feeling of being such a teen??? Well I hate it. I hate to admit that I am such a teenager, so lately I have been trying to change my point of view. Your only a young-ling once, right? So...why not embrace it? These last couple of days have been about trying to EMBRACE and LOVE being such a freakin' weirdo teenager. :P
 So maybe I like this one guy at school that I barely even talk to, but thats what we do!! We see it, we like it...we really like it.  Why not tell the whole world..or blog site that he is so amazing?! See what I did there? I just  'embraced' being a teen.  Having a crush or wanting a relationship is totally normal! So i'm not insane. I'm perfectly sane and normal.  It's not abnormal to feel like you 'want' or 'need' and relationship when your a teen.  I guess it's supposed to make you feel complete or full or...whatever!!! Gosh! I think that is so stupid, but yet I go to some stupid theme park and when I see the fire works I really wish I had someone to lean against. (And that person can NOT be my mother.)
I always see this behavior in a lot of my friends. Even in me, even though I hate to admit it. Though sometimes I feel this way, I do not want to rely on a silly relationship to make me happy. I prefer to just go with the a hippie. Go to wherever your life takes you.
Back to the point: I think it's very immature for some people my age to have 2-4 different boyfriends or girlfriends in 1!!!1!! school year. That is so lame. I think it just shows how desperate they really are and it also shows they lack self-control.  I prefer to wait for someone I really like, who actually cares for me instead of 5 different guys who just want to make-out in the parking lot. Yeah...I said it. What are you going to do about it? Just Kidding. Well thats just me. Does this sound really typical or does it sound like a 40 year-old said it? Because...let me tell you. I am not 40. These are just my views on the "typical teenage relationship". Good day.

Introduction...I guess?

Weren't you ever a teenager? Or are you one at the moment...maybe your becoming one? I am. This is a place where I can just describe the way I feel about being one. The struggles of being a teenager and the also the bright side of being a teenager.  Your probably reading this thinking Oh how stupid is this?!!... And I guess I think it is stupid, too. I do not even really understand why I am going to do this, but I think it's just because I feel like explaining things...because that is what we "typical teens" like to do..right? Or is it just me? I'm not really sure. This blog is just going to be my take on life. So if you feel like reading it, then read it. If you do not wish to read such garbage, then just don't even bother because it will just waste your life and of course no one wants to waste their precious time on such "typicalness".